
As manufacturers of high quality, custom-made wardrobes in Melbourne, Flexi Robes needs to have clear processes in place to be able to update customers on the status of their builds. Prior to implementing their current system, TimeTrak with MYOB Exo, Flexi Robes relied on doing most things by hand.

“We were very much a paper-based company until about 3 years ago,” says Flexi Robes’ business manager, Matthew Braham. “We would have to manually check on the status of the wardrobes for customers. It was a time-consuming process that often relied on pieces of paper – and sometimes these were misplaced.”

Flexi Robes prides itself on customer service, and they knew that they had to find a solution that provided better oversight of their manufacturing processes to be able to give customers accurate updates.

“When we implemented MYOB Exo into the business, we were recommended TimeTrak. We realised that it would give us an overview of our projects and provide us with more knowledge and data, that we could then communicate to our customers,” says Matthew.

“We now use TimeTrak with MYOB Exo to keep track of where customers wardrobes are in the manufacturing process, and we have greater visibility of which projects are behind and what’s missing. If we have any concerns or questions for the customer, these are picked up early on in the build process.”

For Matthew, being transparent with the customer is what underpins good customer service.

“It’s given us the ability to communicate with customers more effectively and efficiently. Because we have visibility of where the build is at, we can easily go to customers and tell them the exact stage of the project. And it saves our team time in finding that information as it’s all constantly updated and automated in one secure place.”

Emma De Groot, Focus’ TimeTrak software consultant, says it was important for Flexi Robes to have a comprehensive view of the whole manufacturing process.

“They really wanted something that gave them a better overview of their projects, while saving time and not having to duplicate work,” says Emma. “We customised and enhanced the automation of the TimeTrak software so that they don’t have to think about the next steps in the customer’s journey – it’s already done for them.”

“We are now working with Focus’ TimeTrak team to develop a total end-to-end process for our sales team, where they will get visibility from the very first phone call contact, through to the design process and when the jobs are ready to be installed,” says Matthew.

“Our sales team will have oversight on the complete journey, from the very start to finish.”