Stay Connected with Our Client SMS Notification Feature

Key Features

Automated Reminders: Automatically send appointment reminders to clients.

Manual SMS: Manually send SMS messages to clients from both Professional and the App.

Appointment Contact Setting: Set a contact for each appointment, controlling visibility via user profile settings.

Mobile Number Integration: Set the client’s mobile number as the appointment contact for SMS notifications.

Default SMS Contact: Automatically use the task or job contact as the default SMS number, or the client if no contact is set.

Additional Information

Our Client SMS Notification feature ensures seamless communication with your clients by automating appointment reminders and allowing manual SMS messages.

You can easily set and control the visibility of contacts on appointments through user profile settings.

With the ability to set a specific contact and mobile number for each appointment, you can ensure that SMS notifications reach the right person.

By default, the contact for new appointments is set to the task or job contact if available, otherwise, it defaults to the client.

This feature enhances client engagement and reduces no-shows by keeping your clients informed and reminded of their appointments.