OHS & Compliance with TimeTrak

Automate and manage your OHS and compliance processes with TimeTrak.

Your team can quickly perform risk assessments, complete JSAs, abide by safe work procedures and follow predefined OHS and compliance checklists.

Custom compliance forms and safety checklists

Your business can create custom compliance forms, checklists and assessments that suit your business. These are easily located on our desktop or mobile websites and are easy to use. Staff can complete these from the field or the office.

This it to ensure that your team are safe in their roles. These checklists can be conditional. This means that when a question is answered a specific way, more questions or options can appear.

Field Mobility

Our solution can be accessed from any smart phone or tablet. Your office-based staff can receive notifications or alerts automatically if there are any issues or incidents while your team is working in the field.

Benefits include:

  • Real-time, company-wide risk management
  • Reduction in accidents and injuries
  • Centralised and easy-to-use OHS system
  • Massive reduction in OHS & compliance documentation
  • Automatic notifications and alerts
  • Cut training costs