Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
Report Parameters:
Note: This is by default hidden allowing the report to be run directly from a task.
This report is not enabled by default but is available to be imported as per below:
When enabled this report can be run directly from a task via the reports tab in TimeTrak Professional by default or TimeTrak or Mobile if the report permissions are updated.
As per below it displays job, client, contact and task information.
The second page of the report also includes Task Activity logs as per below:
This report has been designed in the inbuilt TimeTrak Report Designer (not built into the website) meaning there is the ability to print the report as well as export the report to another file type including an Excel spreadsheet.
Reports designed in the inbuilt TimeTrak Report Designer can be customised to meet your requirements – you can discuss this with the TimeTrak support team: support@timetrak.co.nz
View a sample report here.
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