This section allows you to read about and view sample dashboards. View all dashboards below.

Dasboards that are designed in the TimeTrak Professional can be customised to meet your requirements. If you wish to customise a dashboard, you can discuss this with the TimeTrak support team:


All Tasks

The “All Tasks” dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all currently open jobs within the organization. This enables managers and team members to monitor ongoing projects, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks and facilitating efficient workflow management.

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All Users - Perfromance

This dashboard offers a detailed analysis of user performance, allowing for customizable date ranges to track and compare statistics. This tool is essential for evaluating individual and team productivity, identifying top performers, and addressing areas needing improvement.

Branch Revenue

The “Branch Revenue” dashboard presents a financial breakdown that can be filtered by certain date periods. This granular view helps in financial planning, budgeting, and identifying trends in revenue generation across different time periods, allowing for strategic decision-making.

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Jobs By Branch

The “Jobs By Branch” dashboard displays all jobs categorized by branch, you can further drill down into this report to see the job’s status . This enables branch managers to have a clear view of their specific operations, track performance, and make informed decisions based on localized data.

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Labour Revenue By Year

The “Labour Revenue By Year” dashboard features a chart displaying annual labor revenue over the past four years. This visualization helps in identifying growth trends, understanding yearly performance, and making strategic decisions to enhance future revenue.

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Revenue by Group by Year

The “Revenue by Group by Year” dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of earnings by each branch within the company, with further drill-down options to analyze individual contributions and sales to specific companies. This depth of detail supports strategic planning and performance evaluation at both the branch and individual levels.

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Staff Location

The “Staff Location” report utilizes the Google Maps API to provide real-time tracking of staff whereabouts. It displays check-in times and current locations, offering a detailed view of employee movements and ensuring optimal allocation of resources and enhanced operational oversight.

User Performance

The “User Performance” report features a graph that compares various aspects of job performance, including write-offs, billable hours, and non-billable hours. This visual representation helps in assessing individual contributions, identifying areas of inefficiency, and making data-driven decisions to enhance overall productivity and profitability.