Task Response Level Detail (Client-based)


Report Parameters:

  • ClientId: ID of the client you wish to view the report for.
  • Note: This is by default hidden allowing the report to be run directly from a client.
  • JobId: Displays a drop down selector to select all, one or multiple jobs to run the report for.
  • Start Date: Date you would like to run the report from.
  • End Date: Date you would like to run the report until.

This report is designed for clients who use Job/ Task-based response levels within their business in cases where they need to measure response levels for client agreements.

For more information on response levels in TimeTrak see this article: https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/job-task-response-levels/

This report is not enabled by default but is available to be imported as per below:

When enabled, this report can be run directly from a Client via the Reports tab in TimeTrak Professional after selecting the job(s) and date range you wish to run the report for.

As per below, it displays tasks that meet the response level. They are grouped by job as well as tasks that did not meet the response level.

This is based on the Task start time, the hours column comes from how many hours are set against the response time, the response time being the time of the first time entry against the task.

This report has been designed in the inbuilt TimeTrak Report Designer (not built into the website) meaning there is the ability to print the report as well as export the report to another file type including an Excel spreadsheet.

Reports designed in the inbuilt TimeTrak report designer can be customised to meet your requirements – you can discuss this with the TimeTrak support team: support@timetrak.co.nz

View a sample report here.