Sub-Contractors in TimeTrak

Do you use Sub Contractors to complete work on your behalf? Would you like to schedule Sub Contractors in TimeTrak like the rest of your staff? Would you like a purchase order automatically created when a subcontractor is ‘scheduled’ to complete work? This is now possible in TimeTrak from version 3.2.30.

A new type of user licensing called ‘Sub Contractor’ is now available, with a reduced cost in licensing fees and all the functionality required for a Sub Contractor.

This licensing module allows Sub Contractors to login to TimeTrak Mobile and view details related to the job they have been scheduled to complete (they are unable to view ANY financial data or jobs they are not the Job Manager against.)

The user is set up in the Admin Console and linked to a creditor account (supplier).

This determines the account the purchase order will be assigned to:

In the disbursements & allowances tab there is a new field ‘PO Line’, this determines what stockcode(s) will be assigned to the purchase order to be receipted/ invoiced.

TimeTrak Professional users can then schedule an appointment for a Sub Contractor just like they usually do for other staff members apart from:

  • Updating the Job Manager to the Sub Contractor
    • Sub Contractor’s profiles generally should only allow visibility to those jobs they are job managers for, meaning they are unable to view details of any other jobs in your system.
  • Selecting the Purchase Order the appointment should be assigned to (In the below example a new purchase order is to be created as there is no current purchase order for this job/ creditor, if there was an existing PO on the job for the Sub Contractor that could be selected).

At this point, the Sub Contractor could receive a system generated email notification to advise them of the appointment, this could also include the purchase order number generated that you wish to be billed with.

A purchase order has automatically been created in EXO with details specified against the Sub Contractor.

If the Sub Contractor is required to go back to the job, the scheduler can create another appointment but select the purchase order that is already in the system (preventing another purchase order being created).

If your Sub Contractors are assigning their time to the job in TimeTrak so you are able to keep track of the work done a billable status could be created so that Sub Contractor’s time is NOT exported to MYOB Job Costing – therefore only the time entered via the purchase order will go against the job.

Once the job is completed by the Sub Contractor, they would issue an invoice and the Purchase order would be receipted in and creditor invoice created and paid as normal within MYOB EXO.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team:

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