3CX Integration with TimeTrak Version 19.3

3CX is an open standards communications solution that offers complete Unified Communications, out of the box. TimeTrak version 19.3 now has an ability to integrate 3CX to capture inbound call information. Below features are available as part of this integration.

3CX and TimeTrak Integration Features

Display contact name and linked clients to the contact. This will further allow you to open clients form from this pop–up screen.

Display extension number of contact and linked clients to the contact. This will further allow you to open clients form from this pop–up screen.

In addition to above, TimeTrak can access multiple screens such as Tasks, Jobs, history notes and custom fields from the call pop-up window once the client is selected.

3CX Configuration

Below steps is required on 3CX windows application to enable the above features.

1. Select Settings – Advanced Settings – Behavior on 3CX.

2. Select Launch application on incoming call.

3. Select preferred Browser application and application path. Example if you are using Google Chrome default file path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.

Note: You may need to contact IT support if the default path is different.

4. In the “parameters to send” enter the syntax below as per your requirements.

To view Client Details Page :

https://your timetrak web address/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%

Example: https://mycompany.net.nz/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%

Similarly, Timetrak can access multiple screens such as Tasks, Jobs, history notes and custom fields through incoming call pop-up screen.

In order to access Jobs, Tasks, History Notes and Custom Fields after selecting the account (Client), please use below parameters in “parameters to send” section.

https://your timetrak web address/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%&tab=TabJobs
https://your timetrak web address/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%&tab=TabTasks
https://your timetrak web address/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%&tab=TabHistoryNotes
https://your timetrak web address/TimeTrak.aspx?Phone=%CallerNumber%&tab=TabCustomFields


3CX and TimeTrak integration open a new browser window each time a call comes in. You will need to be logged into Timetrak for it to go straight to the Client page; otherwise you will be prompted to enter TimeTrak login credentials.
As a best practice, we recommend closing the browser session once you are finished with each call.

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