Ability to add Client Alert and Stop Credit option into the Job Footer customisation row

In TimeTrak Professional from version 21.3.2, there is now the ability to include Client Alerts and Stop Credit Notifications on the footer of a Job.

The set up for this is completed from the Customisations Tab from Profile in the TimeTrak Admin Console by selecting Job Footer (Professional) and adding this these Client-based values.

The Client Alert will display if this has been set up for the client. 

This example shows both the Client Alert and Stop Credit Notifications;

Steps to follow to set up these customised fields;

From TimeTrak Admin Console, select the Profile you would like to apply this to. In the Profile, select the Customisations Tab and then from below Job select Job Footer (Professional):

Against the Value field select the chevrons, select Client, and then select Client Alert and/or Client Stop Credit.

These will populate in the Value field.  Further customisations can be applied to have the text display in bold and include title as in the example above.

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