Ability to see Custom Fields on History Note Grids

For TimeTrak clients that have Custom Fields set up, from 20.1.9 they now have the option of viewing these against the History Note for Client, Contact, Job and Serviceable Units.

This example covers the process for setting this process up against a Client.

  1. From TimeTrak Admin Console select ‘Global System Setup’.
  2. Select ‘Customisation’ and then ‘Custom Fields’
  3. From ‘Table Name’ select ‘Client History Note’

If you require further help on setting up Custom Fields, refer to this reference.

Repeat the same process when completing set up against Contact, Job and Serviceable Unit, selecting the appropriate Table i.e.:

  • Contact History Note
  • Job History Note
  • Serviceable Unit History Note

In this example, the Custom Field adds in the ‘Action Status’ to the History Note;

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