Ability to See/Select Inactive Serviceable Units and Reactivate from Job on Assignment ~ Mobile

There is the ability to be able to complete a search for Serviceable Units which are ‘Inactive’ from the Serviceable Unit Grid:

With the ‘Inactive Serviceable Units’ displaying in recently added formatting of grey and italic text.

From version 20.1.5, if users are assigned to a Profile that has the ability to “delete”, (which allows them to be able to select ‘Include Inactive’), these Inactive Serviceable Units can also be searched for from the Job.

In addition, there is now the ability when you assign an Inactive Serviceable Unit, the status of the Inactive Serviceable Unit will automatically update to ‘Active’.

Let’s take a look at an example:

This Client has two Serviceable Units showing on the Serviceable Unit tab.

The top Serviceable Unit is ‘active’ and the bottom Serviceable Unit is ‘inactive’ (new formatting of grey and italic)’:

When selecting ‘Assign Serviceable Unit’;

There is now the choice of being able to view and select from ‘Inactive Serviceable Units’ by selecting ‘Include Inactive’:

The ‘Inactive Serviceable Units’ display in grey and italic.

To assign one of the ‘Inactive Serviceable Units’ simply select it;

The ‘Inactive Serviceable Unit’ will appear against the Client in an ‘Active’ Status;

And the ‘Active Status’ will show against this previously ‘Inactive Serviceable Unit’ from the Serviceable Unit itself:

If you have any further questions, please contact the TimeTrak team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or
phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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