Accessing Checklist Attachments to View Images in Professional

This Tip of the Week covers how to view the Checklist Attachments against a Job. This can include uploaded documents and images or photos taken during the Checklist process.

In this example, the Checklist includes an uploaded schematic/flowchart and photo.

  • From Professional, locate the related Job (1) and select the Attachments Tab (2)
  • Select the Edit Icon against the Checklist with the images that you want to view (3);

The Attachment window displays

  • Select the Related Attachments Tab;

The two attachments display.

Note that the category for both has been set to the default category set up in the TimeTrak Admin Console ie Photos. 

For this example, the schematic/flow chart category has been updated to Instructions as follows;

  • Right-click on the Category and select Change Category
  • The attachments/images can be viewed by hovering as below;
  • Or by selecting which will download the attachment (image);

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