Add setting to control date parameters in bulk posting screen within Admin Console

In version 20.1.11 changes have been made to the default date range in the bulk posting screen within the TimeTrak Admin Console.

Previously, the default data range was from the 1st to last day of the previous month.  For example, when completing Post to ERP in October, the date range would be 1st September to 30th September:

Often Users found this to not be helpful when they were doing numerous bulk postings on a daily basis.

The new behaviour abides by the following parameters:

  • Post to ERP will look for the last time entry that was posted and get the end time of that entry.
    • If the entry is in the current month then it will set the date range to the current month
    • If the entry is not in the current month then it will set the date range to the previous month

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