Add the Related Attachments Section to the Attachment Details Screen in App

Images or uploaded documents within a checklist (IE: photos taken) are related attachments to the completed checklist, which can be seen on both TimeTrak Professional and Mobile websites.

This functionality has been added within the TimeTrak APP from version 22.1.4

In this example, a job has a checklist that includes three uploaded images.

From the Job, against the Actions Panel, select Attachments (1) to locate the Checklist, and select the Checklist (2):

Because this checklist had three images uploaded against it, the Related Attachments displays for selection showing the count of ‘3’:

Once selected, the uploaded images against the Checklist display for selection;

Simply select the item from the results section to view eg ‘Left side of vehicle’;

Edit can be selected if the user has the associated permission. 

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