Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
Mobile workstation “Pin login” was added to TimeTrak Mobile from version 19.1 as per below:https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/whats-new-timetrak-19-1/#Mobile-Workstation-(PIN-based-login)
From version 22.2.4 this pin login screen has been updated to also display the job and task details (if tasks are in use) as per below:
Details that display are for current or future entries based on the current day and time.
Yellow Tile = Non-Billable/ Non-Productive Time entries
Blue Tile = Job/ Task Time Entry
Grey Tile = Appointment
Green Tile = Checked In
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