Standard Email Templates are located within the TimeTrak Administrator Console> Templates as per below.

Email Templates are grouped by the type of email, with the ability to collapse or expand a group by clicking the group arrow.

  • The white icon indicates a Standard Email Template (created by TimeTrak)
  • The blue icon indicates a Custom Email Template that has been created.

Custom Email Templates

Custom Email Templates (templates not created by TimeTrak) can be filtered by enabling the custom tick box as per below:

Adding or editing email templates:

Name: Default Email templates name will describe when the template is used.

Custom Email templates, generally, the name is an indication of the template (users only see the name when selecting).

Subject: This is the email subject line

From Address: This is a selection of AdminEmail or UserEmail.

  • Admin Email If selected, the From email address will be the AdminEmail as specified in the global system setup as per below:
  • UserEmail – If selected, the email address from the logged-in user will be the From Address of the email.

Note: TimeTrak sends emails via the above SMTP details, so SMTP credentials will need permission to send on behalf of other users’ email addresses if this method is going to be used.


Formatting of text can be adjusted, tables and images inserted etc. using the editing ribbon as per below:

Hyperlink: When adding a hyperlink, ensure the target frame is “New Window”.

Insert data fields: The Insert option can be used to add data into the template.

In this example: The job’s site address:

Note: Data fields can be used in the email subject line as well; however, they will need to be copied and pasted to the subject field from the main description (the insert function will not insert to the subject line).


The preview tab will allow you to review your template with the data fields populated and send a test email.

  • Item: Select the item from the item dropdown. (In this example Job).
  • Item Id: Enter the id of the item you wish to preview (JobNo, for example) or click the button, which will automatically get the last id for the selected item.

As per below, users can then preview the template and the changes they have made before clicking OK, which will make the change(s) live.

A test email can be sent by populating the To field and selecting Send Message as per below:

A confirmation box will appear on the screen to advise the email has been sent, and the links within the email can be checked etc prior to saving changes.