Enhancement to Task loading of Time Entry and Appointment forms in Professional
In TimeTrak 19.3, we have enhanced the way tasks load on time entry and appointment forms in order to provide better visibility of tasks.
In previous versions, the ability to “include completed” tasks was available by default and would cache on this being selected, which caused the potential for performance issues if all users were selected as well.
The following examples from Time Entry show the form enhancements for task searching.
1. If no Client or Job are selected, ‘Include Completed’ is disabled.

2. The same browser caching is in place where the browser remembers the user’s last selection for Task Group, and user selection.

3. The same columns are available within the task grid.
Depending on the selections, which have been made (Client and Job), the Task grid columns will reduce.
I.e: In this example, the client has already been selected, therefore the client column no longer displays as it did above, giving the other columns more room and the user the ability to see more task details.

4. Completed tasks are still able be viewed in the time entry and appointment screen but to improve performance the user is required to select a client or job first before this is available for selection.

5. In most cases, on loading an Appointment/Time Entry users only want to see THEIR tasks, but as soon as they search a Client or Job they need to see ALL tasks that they have access to that relate to the Client or Job.
To achieve the above, the user should have their group selection set to “My Groups” and User selection set to “Current User”

Then in Professional via personalise settings, enable “Show all tasks for a job when creating a time entry” as per below:

On loading of the time entry and appointment form, the user by default has all THEIR tasks in the task grid which they can search;

However, as soon as the user selects a client or job the task selection will change to All Users allowing the users to see all open tasks that they have access to against this client as per below:

This is useful for organisations where users work across each other’s tasks and users need to see any other tasks that are already created to prevent duplicate task creation.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77