Hide Appointment Start and End Time & Must Choose Time Entry Start and End Time

Two new settings were added to the TimeTrak Admin Console Profile in version 21.3.6 so that App users see their next scheduled appointment without the requirement to see the Start and End Times.

This appointment lets the user know where they should be attending to complete their shift (roster/work hours).

In addition, there is the ability to force the user to enter a Start and End Time when converting to a Time Entry.

When App users profiles have the ‘Hide Appointment Start and End Time’ enabled as per below:

And the App is refreshed, any scheduled Appointments will display with no Start and End Date details:

In this example, the user has enough information to know they need to be at Paul Holland Motors when they start their shift.

There is then the choice of having the Start and End time display from the original appointment or to force the user to update/enter the Start and End times by enabling this setting; ‘Must Choose Time Entry Start and End Time’ against the App users profile as per below:

The Start and End Times then display as ‘Required’ as determined by the asterisks:

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