Import Tasks to TimeTrak via Job Costing Quote Lines

Do you have a certain Jobs that require numerous ‘Tasks’ under this Job to be created before the project/Job can be completed?

Would it make business processes easier if this Tasks could be ‘bulk created’ into TimeTrak?

A working example of this is:

All new ‘Installation Jobs’ should have Task’s splitting the work into three different categories’ which are generally quoted as per below:

10 hours for scoping the work,

20 hours for the design of the work,

25 hours for training.

In order for this process to work you will need the below TimeTrak extra fields enabled and ticked on in Job Costing:

X_TT_CopyQuoteLines – This setting will pick up any quote lines from the below template Job and recreate them in the new Job.

X_TT_TemplateJob – This sets a Job to be a TimeTrak Template Job

Create a TimeTrak Template Job with basic Job details in Job Costing in the quote/ budget tab of the Job split the three Task’s and ensure ‘Copy to’ is set to ‘T’ (Time) as per below:

Users can then create a new Job in TimeTrak by selecting a Job ‘template’ which will populate the new Job’s fields:

Save the Job then click the Tasks tab and ‘Manage Tasks’ as per below:

This will bring through the ‘Quote lines’ from the Job template users can then edit the Task details as required.

Save changes and the Tasks will now be created and visible against the Job, as per below:

Please note: The ability to create Jobs in TimeTrak is permission based and could be enabled for only users that have this authority.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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