Job Quoting in TimeTrak 4

Does your company have mobile users who require the ability to create job quotes whilst out onsite?

In TimeTrak Mobile, users can create a job quote as well as review and email the quote via a report that can be configured for your company.

The ability to create job quotes is now also possible in TimeTrak Professional. The ability to create job quotes is permission based.

Against profiles in the TimeTrak Administrator Console, the below settings relate to job quoting.

In order for a user to see job quote lines 1.Show Job Quote Lines” needs to be enabled.

Which quote lines are visible to the user can also be defined by selecting which “Copy To” type(s) (None, Cost, Time Sheet or Purchase Order) are available.

In order for a user to 2.Consume Quote Line Quantities” from a job this will also need to be enabled.

If 3.Add job Quote Lines” is enabled against the users profile, In TimeTrak against a job, the user will be able to go to quote lines as per below and add a quote line (or a bill of material).

Search and select the correct stock item and quantity, alter sell price if required and permissions allow.

As you are adding quote lines to the job you can see details of the quote as per below which shows the quote total as well as unit price and line total.

Enter a narration on the quote line if required as well as any additional settings that may be required for your company set up.

Note: If you wish for the narration on the quote line to copy to over if the quote lines are billed via TimeTrak please ensure you also have the profile setting “Copy Quote Line Narration to Actual Narration” enabled.

To review the quote in a report click on the report icon, where you can select from the available reports to run (if more than one is configured for your company).

This will display the report on screen as per below to be reviewed.

If you are happy with the quote from the quote lines screen and would like to send it to the client, return to the quote lines screen and click “Send Quote”.

If you have a “Quote Approval Limit” set against the users profile and the quote is over this limit the below message will appear along with the “Quote Approval Limit Email” address specified in the profile.

This will email the quote report to the email address specified in the user’s profile “Quote Approval Limit Email” using the TimeTrak email template “Email sent when user sends a job quote”.

This prompts the approver to review the quote and make amendments if required before sending through to the customer.

If “Job Status After Send Quote” is enabled a default job status can be set or must choose prompts the users to select the job status (as per above).

If “CC Quote Email” is enabled all quotes emailed by users against this profile will CC the email address specified here. Click Send Quote Email to continue and send the quote.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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