Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
In TimeTrak version 23.1, push notifications were introduced for the TimeTrak APP as per below:https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/timetrak-23-1-release-notes-whats-new/#8-timetrak-app-push-notifications
When a user log’s into the TimeTrak APP, the device is automatically populated in APP devices.
Logging out of the TimeTrak APP will continue to send push notifications to the device unless another user logs into the APP on the device (at which point notifications will be sent for that user) or the APP is un-installed from the device. To provide more control over push notifications, Global Administrators with access to TimeTrak Professional can now access the APP devices screen as per below:
This will provide a full overview of the TimeTrak user and device they have logged into the TimeTrak APP with.
Devices can be removed by clicking the ‘X’ icon as per below and confirming you wish to delete the device.
It is important to note however that the device will be automatically added back for the user on the next login/ activity.
This helpful feature provides the ability for TimeTrak champions to login as field staff whilst testing and then remove association of their device from a user to prevent push notifications from being received.
Note: When logging in using the support password this is not saved in APP devices and no push notifications will be received.
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