Mobile Website Home Screen Configuration

Did you know there is the ability to adjust what is displayed on the home screen in TimeTrak Mobile?

The items that display on the home screen of the TimeTrak Mobile website are defined by some “defaults” and what is enabled against a user’s Profile.

The profile setting “Edit Mobile Home Screen Configuration” as per below defines if a user can adjust the layout of their home screen in TimeTrak Mobile:

If the setting above is enabled on a users profile on logging into TimeTrak mobile, they can select Profile as per below:

Back in Profile, at the bottom of the screen there is options to adjust the layout of widgets.

For example: Move the calendar to the left of the screen and the menu to the right.

Note: This is for larger devices IE: tablets. When accessing mobile on a cellphone, all items will display down the screen.

There is also the ability to show a queue (if queues are enabled against a user’s Profile).

When multiple items are in the same location, you need to provide an order.

In the above example, both the Map and Queues are set to the bottom so numbers can be entered IE displays queues first, then the map.

In many organisations, especially when implementing TimeTrak, all mobile user’s login screens are set the same, and the profile setting “Edit Mobile Home Screen Configuration” is disabled to prevent users from adjusting this.

When new staff within the organization are set up as a user in TimeTrak, often staff will need to disable this setting, log in as the user and adjust the home screen to have the same layout as other staff before enabling the setting again to prevent staff adjusting their home screen layout.