MSDTC TimeTrak Errors

MSDTC TimeTrak errors when laptop has both a physical connection and Wi-Fi connection to the Network.

Do you use a laptop? Do you find that the TimeTrak Outlook add-in, TimeTrak Professional website or TimeTrak Admin Console give you errors that display MSDTC issues?

If above applies to you and you frequently get annoying TimeTrak errors there is an easy solution!

Choose to connect to your Network either physically (plugged in) or via the Wi-Fi but do not use both.

Best practice is to use the plugged in Network option, it will be faster and more consistent. Try to have Wi-Fi disabled before you plug into the Network and turn on the Laptop.

Turn your WIFI settings off, and turn on airplane mode.

This might not take effect until the IP address, is refreshed on the Domain Server (about 4 hours). When you connect to a Network with more than one connection option enabled, your Laptop is assigned two IP addresses for the purpose.

TimeTrak uses MDSTC settings so that should anything error on saving or updating one database it rolls back both the TimeTrak and Exo databases.

MSDTC settings talk to the SQL server with an IP address. If the server cannot resolve a single IP Address, it will cause the MSDTC errors users’ experience.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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