Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
TimeTrak uses Windows inbuilt MSDTC function to update both the MYOB Exo and TimeTrak databases at the same time to ensure your data is in real time.
Below is the settings on your PC that are required in order for TimeTrak’s Outlook add-in and Timetrak Professional Disbursements and Posting to work without issues.
From your PC’s Start Menu open:
Steps to follow are:
Select the Security tab
Ensure below is set:
If you still get an error with Windows 10, untick Enable SNA LU 6.2 Transactions:
Exit from the open screens.
From the Start menu search for Windows Firewall
As per below ensure Distributed Transaction Coordinator has ‘Domain’ and ‘Private’ ticked on.
If not select, ‘Change settings’ update ‘Domain’ and ‘Private’
Close the open screens.
If you experience any issues after MSDTC settings are enabled on the PC, then please contact your Exosoft Consultant for more assistance.
If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@exosoft.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77
Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
Send us an email using the form below:
Name :
Email :
Subject :
Message :