Preload Serviceable Units on an Appointment

Does your company assign Serviceable units to appointments with in TimeTrak? There is now the ability to preload serviceable units on an appointment in TimeTrak 4.

If the below profile setting “Preload Serviceable Units on an Appointment” is enabled:

Users assigned to this profile will only need to assign serviceable units at a job level.

Any appointments created from a job with serviceable units assigned to it will inherit these serviceable units by default.

A working example of why this profile setting would come in handy is:

If your Service Coordinators are creating jobs in TimeTrak as they arrive in. On creation of the job, the serviceable units that will be required for this piece of work are assigned to the job.

Note: The “Assign Serviceable Unit” screen below will show serviceable units assigned to the client the job has been created against first. It will also display any serviceable units that are not assigned to any client.

Once the units that are going to be worked on in this job have been assigned the Service Coordinator can save and pin the job.

Create an appointment for the user they wish to complete the work.

As per below, the two serviceable units assigned on the job have pulled through to the appointment by default.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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