Repeat Appointments and Recurring Appointments

Did you know in TimeTrak Professional, there are options to add repeat appointments and recurring appointments?

Repeat Appointments

In TimeTrak Professional 4.0, there is a new feature to repeat an appointment over multiple days as per below.

Calendar view will look like below. 

If you prefer to view related appointments on a grid view, open any appointment and select Related Appointments tab.

If you delete one of these appointments, TimeTrak will notify you about the related appointments as per below.

The purpose of the Repeat Appointment feature is to allow Professional users to create short-term repeat appointments via the appointment screen.

Recurring Appointments

TimeTrak’s recurring appointments feature provides more options when setting up repeating appointments over multiple days.

On appointment creation, select the Recurrence tab, tick enable recurrence as per below:

If you prefer to view related appointments on a grid view, open any appointment and select Related Appointments tab as per below. 

If you delete one of these appointments, it will prompt you to delete one appointment or the series as per below.

Selecting the series will delete all appointments in the recurrence.

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77