Restrict Labour Codes to Job Quote lines

By default, in TimeTrak, when recording time, the labour codes which are available for a user to select are defined by the labour codes assigned to the user within TimeTrak as per below:

If the user has Labour Code on Time Entry set to Always on their TimeTrak Profile Form Layout as per below:

When adding a time entry in TimeTrak via TimeTrak Professional, TimeTrak Mobile, or the TimeTrak APP, all labour codes assigned to the user will be available to select from as per the below example in Professional.

On selecting the labour code, the rate against the time entry will default to the stockcodes sell price.

If the ERP that TimeTrak is connected to is MYOB Exo, the “BestPricePolicy” will run, and pricing policies and discounts will be taken into account, ensuring the correct sell price is set.

In the below example, the default sell price for Standard labour is $50.

In some organisations, there is a requirement for labour recorded against a job to be restricted to the stockcodes which have been quoted.

The sell price of these stockcodes should be at the quoted amount.

In TimeTrak from version 22.1, there have been some enhancements to “Restrict Labour” to account for this.

If the custom field X_TT_Restrict Labour is setup in TimeTrak against a job as per below:

This will be available as a check box against all jobs in TimeTrak to be enabled:

Once enabled when adding a time entry to a job, users are only able to add time for stockcodes that have been specified on the quote tab of the job, and the quoted value will be used as the rate for the time.

When adding a time entry against the same job with Restrict Labour as per below:

The Labour Code selection is reduced to only the quoted option as per below:

And the sell price will default to the sell price against the quote line on the job:

Note: If the same stockcode has been used on the quote tab of the job, the greater value will be the default sell price for time entries.

If the billable status is adjusted to a Write-off or No Charge option, the sell price will be updated as per usual business processes.

This same behaviour now also flows through to Appointments.

If the users’ profile has Default Time Entry Labour Code specified on their profile form layout as per below:

The available labour codes is also reduced by the stockcodes on the jobs quote lines as per the below example:

When scheduling a job with Restrict labour enabled and using the New Quick Appointment function in TimeTrak Professional as per below:

A new Quick appointment prompt appears, forcing the user to specify the default labour code (restricting the labour code list by those stockcodes on the jobs quote tab).

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