Serviceable Units

Do you use serviceable units just as much as jobs? Do you wish you could manage them easily within TimeTrak? Now you can.

In TimeTrak Professional Serviceable Units now have their own searchable grid, just like Clients, Contacts and Jobs.

Depending on profile settings users can add, edit and delete serviceable units.

A serviceable unit can now not be assigned to a Debtor account and be assigned or unassigned as required. New jobs can be created against the Serviceable Unit; Custom fields can be set up against it also.

Serviceable Units can now be related back to the Knowledge Base against an Article or Question.

The functionality of Serviceable Units is the same within TimeTrak Mobile, giving users a great tool to manage their time and materials against Serviceable Units and keeping track of history notes and custom fields.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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