Setting up a Exosoft database connection

Do you have a new staff member that requires access to Exosoft products like EziView, CopierTrak, TimeTrak Administrator Console or JIBE? Or would you like to set up connections to these programs on additional staff members PC’s?

If the application isn’t already installed on the user’s PC:

You will need to ask a software consultant for a link to download the software – please provide them with the current version of you software if possible.

Run the install files

The application is installed on the user’s PC:


Open the application

Select Setup connections from the drop down as per below:

Select ‘Add Connection’ via the Add drop down box as per below:

In the below screen:

  • Enter a connection name – Make this a meaningful name.
  • Select from the drop down list or type your SQL Server name.
  • Select the SQL Server Authentication Mode – this will make sure the SQL access is at the highest possible.
  • Click ‘List Databases’ to populate the dropdown of databases.

If nothing comes up this probably indicates the password isn’t right

  • Choose your Exosoft database from the list

The Name should be Exosoft. This is not your Exo Database but the Database your consultant will have created which houses all settings and information about the databases you will create grids against.

  • Click test connection

You will get a message saying if the connection is successful or not, OK

Once the connection is successfully set up you will be able to select the connection from the drop down list and login.

If you need to set up a new EziView user please click here to see the tip with step by step instructions on how to do so.

JIBE (Job batch invoice engine)

Select ‘Set up connections’ from the database drop down as per below:

Select ‘Add Connection’ from the Add dropdown as per below:

In the below screen:

  • Enter a connection name – Make this a meaningful name.
  • Select from the drop down list or type your SQL Server name.
  • Select the SQL Server Authentication Mode – this will make sure the SQL access is at the highest possible.
  • Click ‘List Databases’ to populate the dropdown of databases.

If nothing comes up this probably indicates the password isn’t right

  • Choose your Exo database from the list
  • Click test connection

You will get a message saying if the connection is successful or not, OK

Once the connection is successfully set up you will be able to select the connection from the drop down list and login.


Select ‘Set up connections’ from the database drop down as per below:

Select Add from the screen below:

In the below screen:

  • Enter a connection name – Make this a meaningful name.
  • Select from the drop down list or type your SQL Server name.
  • Select the SQL Server Authentication Mode – this will make sure the SQL access is at the highest possible.
  • Click ‘List Databases’ to populate the dropdown of databases.

If nothing comes up this probably indicates the password isn’t right

  • Choose your Exo database from the list
  • Click test connection

You will get a message saying if the connection is successful or not, OK

Once the connection is successfully set up you will be able to select the connection from the drop down list and login.

TimeTrak Admin Console or TimeSheet Manager

The process for setting up a connection in both TimeTrak Administrator Console and Timesheet Manager is the same, once you have opened the application:

Click on the three dots to the right of the connection window as per below:

Click add in the database connection manager as per below:

In the below screen

  • Enter a connection name – Make this a meaningful name.
  • Select from the drop down list or type your SQL Server name.
  • Select the SQL Server Authentication Mode – this will make sure the SQL access is at the highest possible.
  • Click ‘List Databases’ to populate the dropdown of databases.
  • Choose your TimeTrak database on the left connection
  • Choose your Exo database on the right connection

These details are provided to you in a TimeTrak installation/ upgrade document by your TimeTrak Consultant.

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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