Simplified options when double-clicking a Time Entry in TimeTrak Mobile App

From version 21.3 options have been simplified when double clicking an item within the TimeTrak APP.

Previously, the options included

‘Add Single Line Purchase Order
‘Add Multi Line Purchase Order’
‘Add Disbursement’
‘Add Multiple Disbursements’

With the latest update, the options have been reduced to
‘Add Purchase Order’ and ‘Add Disbursements’.
These buttons now allow you to add single or multiple entries.

This is dependent on user’s profile permissions.
IE: If “must choose” is enabled on purchase order lines users will be forced to add one item at a time and the multiple option will not be available.

From your Calendar View double tap a time entry.

You will now see the options as below

Upon selecting Add Disbursements, you will be taken to a screen where you can select one, or multiple Stock Items. After you have selected the Stock Items you can click Confirm.

After selecting Confirm you will be bought to a screen where you can adjust the Stock Items Quantity or Description.  After these are confirmed click Save.

The Disbursement has now been created and saved against the Time Entry.

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