Standard Narrations in TimeTrak

Standard Narrations are used to provide the ability to pull through data or recurring narrations.

A working example of this may be field staff who have a recurring time entry narration based on the type of work they are doing.

Standard Narrations are housed within the TimeTrak Admin Console under Standard Narrations.

Standard Narrations can be filtered based on the group selector highlighted below.

There is also the ability to Add, Edit and Delete these using the buttons or right click functionality:

Each Standard Narration has:

Name – To allow users to identify what they are selecting.
Type – This defines where the standard narration is available.
Description This is the narration that will pull through when selected.
Access Permissions Available to all users or only users specified group(s)


This is a brief description of the standard narration description.

When users select a standard narration in the TimeTrak websites/ TimeTrak APP the Name is displayed for the user to select.


This is where the standard narration will be available to select.

The default is All, however, users can choose to limit standard narrations to only be available for:

  • TimeEntry
  • Disbursementnt
  • Task
  • Appointment
  • Checklist Item
  • Claim Measurable
  • Job Quote Line
  • Opportunity Quote Line
  • Purchase Order


This is the standard narration that will pull through when selected.

Text can be typed into the description field.

Data fields can also be pulled through by selecting the Insert button and specifying the data field you would like to display, in the below example Job No:

Which as per below example, will pull through the data fields of the correlating job when selected.

Access Permissions:

Standard Narrations can be “Global” (Available to all users) if the Global Narration tick box is enabled as per below:

If Global Narration is not enabled, on saving users will be prompted to specify the group(s) who can access the narration on the Global Groups tab:

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