Tip: Task Expiry based on Response Levels

Do you already have TaskTrak enabled in your TimeTrak environment and have a need to apply a “response time” against tasks to ensure they are meet with in a specified time?

There is the ability in TimeTrak to set tasks to expire when they reach the set response time, and to have an email notification go to a specified user(s) so they can follow up to ensure the response time is met.

In order to set this up in your TimeTrak database, you will need to have Response Levels Enabled:

  • TimeTrak Admin Console > TaskTrak > Enable Response Levels

As per below, when you enable Response Levels a “Response Levels” tab will be available for you to add the applicable response levels.

Once response levels are created, you can set a Default Response Level for the database as per below:

Alternatively, extra fields (X_TT_ResponseLevelId) can be added to Exo against both a debtor and job to specify the default response time.

In this example, the default response time for the debtor “Health and Wellbeing” is set to SLA 2 Hour Response.

On Task creation, when selecting this client, the user is notified of the client’s response level.

Once a job is selected and a task is created the databases default response time will be over written with the clients set response time of SLA 2 Hour Response as per below:

If the client then had particular jobs that were at a different response level, for example the below job which is SLA Next business day:

On Task Creation for this job, both the database default response time and client’s response time is over-written and the response time specified against the job is applied.

Note: Task Response Level is currently not visible in TimeTrak Mobile as this feature was designed to alert a scheduler to ensure the response level is met.

To assist schedulers with ensuring response times are met Task Expiry can also be enabled.

Task Expiry is available by default with TaskTrak.

Users have the option to manually tick on Task Expires and set an expiry date as per below:

The default task expiry date will be the task due date minus the expiry threshold set as per below:

When the task reaches its expiry date/ time the TimeTrak Email template: New or changed Task email to the Task Owner will be generated to whoever is specified in TaskTrak Settings.

In this example, I have set the Task Creator to be notified when the task expires.

The Task Creator, Bridget, receives an email notification when the task has met its expiry date. As per below, the email template has additional hard coded text to advise of the task expiry:

If “Group Email” is enabled, the email set against the group the Task belongs to will also receive this email notification:

If Unallocated Task Notification Users is enabled, the users specified for unallocated Task email notification against the group, will also receive this email notification:

Following on from this, there is the ability to set a task to expire by default based on the response time specified and the task expiry that is set against the response time.

  • TimeTrak Admin Console > TaskTrak > Response Levels > Select the applicable response level > Specify an expiry threshold and enable “Task Expiry” as per below:

Now, on creating a Task with this response level, by default, Task Expiry is enabled and the expiry date is set to one hour from the start time on save.

It is important to note that applying a response level to a task will also update Task Priority, Type and Category if you have these fields enabled.

For example, Task 17252 as per below has been saved with no response levels and the task Priority, Type and Category have been set.

On setting the response level against the task to SLA – Next Business Day, the Tasks Priority, Type and Category have been altered to match what has been specified against the response level.

As per below, we can see at a company level the response level “SLA – Next business Day” has these Task Priority, Type and Category set:

There is also the ability to set the “default” option against response levels for Task Type and Category as per below:

If Default is selected against the response level, when a task has that response level applied whatever the default Task Type and Category at the time will be applied.

We can see what the companies “default” Task Type and Category is in TaskTrak settings as per below (the default is in bold).

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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