Time only from a task or directly against a job

Does your company use TaskTrak? Do you require flexibility for your staff around which time entries require assignment to a Task and which can be assigned directly to a job?

TimeTrak has a few options to manage this.

All time must come from a task:

Against a TimeTrak profile if the below setting “All Time Entries must come from a task” is enabled all users assigned to this profile will be required to enter their time against a task.

Users will be unable to assign time directly against a job.

Time against a task on a client basis.

If there is a requirement to assign time entries to a task based on specific clients an extra field X_TT_OnlyFromTask can be set as visible in TimeTrak and or Exo, as per below:

If the extra field is enabled against a client, in this case Comfort Automotive Services:

Users will be unable to assign time directly to any of this client’s job regardless of whether or not their TimeTrak profile allows them to assign time directly to jobs.

See below in Professional users will be prevented from adding time directly against jobs and the notified of why.

In Mobile, users will be directed to the Tasks screen on time entry creation when selecting a job of a client, which only allows time from tasks preventing the ability to create a time entry directly against a job.  

Time against a task on a job basis.

If there is a requirement to assign time entries to a task based on specific jobs an extra field X_TT_OnlyFromTask can be set as visible in TimeTrak and or Exo, as per below:

If the extra field is enabled against a job, in this case Job13:

Users will be unable to assign time directly to this job regardless of whether or not their TimeTrak profile allows them to assign time directly to jobs.

See below in Professional users will be prevented from adding time directly against jobs where this extra field is enabled and notified of why.

In Mobile, users will be directed to the Tasks screen on time entry creation when selecting a job, which only allows time from tasks. Preventing the ability to create a time entry directly against a job. 

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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