TimeSheet Verification by Job or User

Is part of your business process that a manager should be verifying staff’s time and disbursements prior to this being posting to the job for invoicing?

TimeTrak Professional has verification reports that can be run by user or job that display all Time and disbursements entered to allow a manager to verify and amend if required prior to posting to Exo.

In TimeTrak 3.2 “Allow Timesheet verification” was set against the TimeTrak user as per below:

In the upgrade to TimeTrak 4.0 this setting will not be available. Instead, “Allow Timesheet verification” has moved to the users TimeTrak Profile as per below:

Profile – Config – Features – Allow timesheet verification

If you have a Manager that is assigned to the same profile as his team, you can right click on the profile and select Copy, select “Yes” to the “are you sure” prompt. A copy of the profile will be created as per below.

You can then open the copy of the profile, rename it if required and enable the verification setting. Assign this profile to the Manager you wish to have access to Timesheet verification reports.

If permissions allow, TimeSheet Verification by Job and TimeSheet Verification by User will appear on TimeTrak Professional as per below.

TimeSheet Verification by Job

Due to ability to post time directly from TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile, the ‘Exclude Previously Exported’ option is available in the report filters.

This excludes time that has been posted already that possibly was not verified before it was posted.

Eg: Time and disbursements that were posted via TimeTrak Mobile at the time the work was completed.

In TimeTrak Professional, you can right click on the grid header and select ‘Column Chooser’ as per below to select additional columns and arrange as per below steps.

Step 01

Step 02

In the Verification by Job report you can see the total value of disbursements against a job.

Icons are available in the Verification by Job report to “flag” if there are entries that are marked to be written off, go through at no charge or have a billing query which should be reviewed prior to verification:

When clicking on the job you are able to see what these amounts are made up of.

Note: Yellow line is a disbursement.

You can open the job from this report and run the job billing summary and detailed job report (as well as the Client Task Summary Report if you have TaskTrak enabled).

In addition, it has an ability to verify all records and add or edit a narration as per below. The Post button will post all unposted time and disbursements within the job.

Note: If the time entry or disbursement has a lock icon beside it, it has already been posted to MYOB Exo.

If your business process is that Admin bulk posts all jobs via the TimeTrak Admin Console and not on a job-by-job basis as per below.

In the Admin Console posting screen there is the “Only post verified time entries and disbursements” option which will ensure that no time or parts that have not yet been verified by a manager are posted to Exo.  

In the Verification by User Report, disbursements display similar to Verification by Job, allowing you to have an overview of disbursements per users as well as time.

Note: Yellow lines are disbursements.

If you want to add or edit a narration against the time entry or disbursement you can do it simply by clicking on the job as per below.

Verification by User report has an ability to verify jobs individually or all records at once by selecting verify all.

Not all symbols that are available in the job verification report are available in the verification by user report, this information is still available just in a different format.

For example: Billing queries will display as red with the same icon as per below.

Written off and No Charge entries will display but the colour associated to the billable status in the TimeTrak Admin Console (colour that the time entries also display in Professional) will display down the left hand side.

Note: If you hover over this you can see which billable status this relates to in the below example Red is the Written off billable status and all time and disbursements will post to the job as written off.

In both the Verification reports, users have the option to email the user regarding an entry by clicking the email icon as per below:

They can also see the user’s calendar at the time the entry was created by clicking the show calendar icon:

If you have any further questions please contact the TimeTrak team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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