Time Sheets
Project Management
Geo Location
Clock On / Off
Check In / Check Out
GPS Tracking
Electronic Forms (Compliance)
Client SMS notification
Timesheet and Leave Approval
Purchase Orders
This tip of the week will take you through the default behavior when adding a time entry/ appointment via the TimeTrak APP.
If the logged in user is assigned to a profile that does have the profile setting “Show Unscheduled Time Links” enabled there an option to select an Unscheduled Time range from the calendar as per below:
If the time range is in the past;
Users will then be prompted to specify what they are recording time against, and the time entry will load with the default time from the unscheduled time selected.
If the time range is in the future;
The box below will pop for users to specify if they wish to record a time entry or appointment.
On selection users will then be prompted to specify what they are recording the time entry or appointment against, and the time entry/ appointment will load with the default time from the unscheduled time selected.
If the logged in user is assigned to a profile that does not have the profile setting “Show Unscheduled Time Links” enabled there is only the option to ADD via the calendar as per below:
If the day is in the past;
On selecting add on a previous day, time entries will be passed in by default.
On selection of what the user is recording time to the time entry will default to the start of their roster day + the users minimum time units.
If it is the current day and there are no entries recorded;
On selecting add if the current time is before the end of the user’s rostered hours, they will get an option to select whether they wish to add a time entry or appointment.
On selection of time entry and selecting what they wish to record time to the time entry will default to the start of the user’s roster day until the current time.
If it is the current day and there are entries recorded;
If the recorded entries do not go past the current time:
On selection of time entry and selecting what they wish to record time to the time entry will default to the start time being the end of the previous time entry until the current time.
Unless the current time is after the user’s rostered hours at which point it will get the start time being the end of the previous time entry plus the user’s minimum time units.
If the recorded entries go past the current time:
On selection of time entry and selecting what they wish to record time to the time entry will default to the start time being the end of the previous time entry plus the user’s minimum time units.
On loading of the time entry defaults users can override the defaults by selecting the start/ end time or adjusting the duration slider as per below:
Regardless of profile setting “Show Unscheduled Time Links” being enabled or not users can also record a time entry or appointment by selecting “Add Appointment” or Add Time Entry from the menu screen as per below:
This selection will pass in the current day and get time range defaults using the same behaviour as clicking the “Add” button as per above.
Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
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