In TimeTrak 19.3, changes were made to MYOB Exo Payroll Export to account for Wage_Type.
To enable export to payroll this is done in the admin console as per below;
On selection of the payroll application this tells TimeTrak what format the export file needs to be in in order to be able to import to the selected payroll.
Wage Multiplier – this is covered below. When Wage Multiplier are set this increased the cost of the labour by the multiplier set.
This would be set for example if the user only has ONE Labour Code and the Billable Status defines whether it is normal, time & half or double time and you wanted the cost of labour to increase; reference:
In most instances sites are setup with separate Billable Statuses for the different labour to be imported to payroll like below;
For MYOB Exo Payroll the Payroll code is always the same ‘H’ but it is the Wage TYPE which indicates whether it is normal, time & half or double time.
In some sites the billable status cannot change as this is what defines HOW the labour/ stock lands on the job based on the job status.
IE: Billable Status called “Bill Via Quote” ensures all time and parts land on the job as written off as the quote will always be billed.
Another billable status called “Billable” for jobs with the job status of ““Time & Materials” where the actual labour and costs are charged.
The time that goes against these billable statuses can be both normal time, time & half or double time therefore the LABOUR stock code is what identifies what the user should be charged therefore for MYOB Exo Payroll only we have the below additional option to specify whether the Wage Type is set against the billable status or the Labour Code;
When above is set each user should have the Wage Type set against the Labour Code as per below – on the export file labour will be grouped by this and map correctly in payroll. (Note: WageType is the PayrollCode coloumn on the UserLabourCodes table in the TimeTrak database).
If you have any further questions, please contact the Exosoft team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77