Tip: Scheduling Template

In TimeTrak, from version 19.1 there is the ability for appointments to be assigned to a scheduling only calendar.

The purpose of a Scheduling Only calendar is to provide the ability to schedule appointments that need to be completed but it is unknown which Mobile user will be assigned to that shift/ run until that day of work.

Some working examples of where this feature could be used are:

  • A security firm – Where appointments need to be booked for a user to complete a “run” and check buildings but it is not known which user will be on that “roster”
  • District Nurses – Where appointments need to be booked to go onsite and visit patients again it is not known which nurse will be on that “run” or “roster”.

There is an added user type “Scheduling Template” as per below where a scheduling template can be setup.

Note: A Scheduling Template has no licence cost or annual licence fee.

There is the below profile setting which defines if users have access to this Scheduling Only calendar:

Note that the Scheduling Template must be assigned to a group in order for the Scheduling Template calendar to display for those users in that group.

Schedulers can then create a workgroup for scheduling templates and schedule the work that is required to be completed against them.

Mobile users that are then going to be completing the work from these schedule only templates also need the below profile enabled.

In Mobile, they can then go to “Profile” and enable the Scheduling Template Calendar to be visible as per below:

On logging into TimeTrak Mobile, users will be prompted to select which scheduling template they are using for the day as per below:

This pop up can also be prompted by click the below “toggle” icon from the scheduling templates calendar as per below:

In this example, I have the “runs” calendar on the left hand side and the users calendar on the right.

On check in or start travel to an appointment in the schedule only templates calendar as per below:

The appointment is moved to the logged in users calendar, as per below:

Once they have completed the work the user checks out and completes their time entry as normal. The Mobile user can then check in to the next appointment in either the runs calendar or their own calendar.

If the user has checked into an appointment from the runs calendar by mistake, they will need to clear the check-in and then edit the appointment in their calendar to assign it back to the run.

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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