In previous versions of TimeTrak, Mobile users were only able to see serviceable units assigned to an appointment as a list against the appointment as per below.
Mobile users were also unable to access the appointment description again after they had checked into the appointment. This meant field staff had to be careful to ensure they read the appointment description prior to checking in.

In TimeTrak from version 19.1.11, the serviceable unit grid has been added to the appointment summary to display serviceable units assigned to the appointment as per below:

This is helpful for Mobile users, as it allows them to see further detail regarding the units that are assigned to the appointment.
It also provides the ability for Mobile users to assign additional units to the appointment as per below:

Once checked into the appointment, users will still land on the job/ task the appointment is for but they will be able to access the appointment detail by clicking on the “details” button against the activity bar at the bottom of their screen as per below:

These are useful enhancements for businesses who schedule their field staff to work on specific units at set times.
For example: A job to service a client’s whole fleet of vehicles. Vehicles need serviced at set times depending on their availability. Each appointment would need the specific vehicles that are to be serviced assigned to them so the Mobile user is aware of the vehicle they are expected to service.
If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 120099 AU: 1800 6080 77