In TimeTrak, every user must be assigned at least one Labour Code, this provides the flexibility to charge out all staff at different rates, if this is applicable.
However, there could be occasions where a project is required to have a flat rate for labour based on a contract or commitment to the client.
TimeTrak has the ability to apply a “flat rate” and overwrite an individual’s rate to the contract rate applied against the job, if enabled.
Note: X_TT_ContractRate and X_TT_IsContractRateJob fields need to be enabled in EXO. Your EXO and TimeTrak consultant will be able to activate this feature for you.

Once these extra fields are available and Contract rate is enabled against a job, all future time entries assigned to the job will have their rate set to the rate in the contract rate field.

For more information on TimeTrak custom fields, click here.
In this example, Bridget has a default rate of $40 when working against the client “Emma Griffin”

When this is posted to job costing, the same rate is posted through.

For the same user and client, a new job has been created but this time with a contract rate enabled and set to $150.

When creating a new time entry, Bridget’s rate has been automatically set to $150 as per the contract rate set against the job.

This time, when the time entry is posted through to job costing the contract rate is reflected.

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 120099 AU: 1800 6080 77