Tip: TimeTrak Professional User Profile Settings

In TimeTrak 4.0, the majority of user settings are defined in the User’s profile.

There are also settings for a User defined on the User’s roster, and against the User in the TimeTrak Admin Console.

A Professional User can have individual Calendar Settings set, all of these settings and what functionality they provide have been covered previously in a tip of the week that you can access here.

This tip of the week will take you through a Professional’s “User Profile TimeTrak Settings” and what functionality each of these settings will provide you with.

To access User Profile TimeTrak Settings, click the personalise icon in the Professional website as per below:

From here, you will see a list of settings that can be configured by a Professional end user.

TimeTrak Settings:

Login Id:

This field shows your login id/Username to access TimeTrak.

Your login Id can be updated in the TimeTrak Administrator Console but it is unable to be updated here.


It shows your name and you can change your name here. Keep in mind if you want to change your name, you will need to enter your password.

After you enter your password, it will change your name in TimeTrak against your user in the TimeTrak Admin Console and all TimeTrak reports etc.


Similar like name, you can also update your email address. When you update this, you will need to enter your password. Your information in Administrator Console also will change and future email notifications will go to this email address.

Time Zone:

You can change your time zone setting of your TimeTrak based on where you are working. This information will be stored in the database in this time zone for any tasks, appointments and time entries created.


This setting will change your TimeTrak colour scheme from default blue into anything you like in the settings.

Current Password, New Password, Confirm Password, Forgot your password:

These settings help you to change your password. For more information about how to change your password, click here.

Preload job/task details into appointment:

On appointment creation, if this setting is enabled, the job/task description (depending on what your appointment is against) will be automatically populated into the appointment description.

Default Job:

If you have job that the majority of your time is assigned to, this is a useful setting. Once your default job is specified, you will not be required to select the job on task, appointment and time entry creation this job will be passed in by default. A working example is users with one particular job or users with a long project schedule.

Search Grid Row:

As described, this setting helps with the view of the jobs/tasks/clients in your main screen. Default row is 20 but you can add/remove it as required. This is a useful setting if you have a monitor with high/low resolution to see more/less information in your screen.

TaskTrak Settings:

Date Format:

This setting stipulates the format of the task’s start time and due date in the task grid with date or date and time.

New Task Assignment:

This can be set to “unallocated” or the TimeTrak user, and defines the default for new task creation. If using quick tasks, it is recommended that this is set to yourself, for more on quick tasks click here.

Refresh Minutes:

This setting allows you to automatically refresh your Task list.

This setting is very similar to the Refresh calendar setting, by default this will be set to 0, so the Task list only refreshes on an action.

Closed tasks visible by default when adding a new task:

When this setting is enabled, you will able to see closed tasks when creating a new task.

If this setting is not enabled, you will need to tick on the “Include Closed Tasks” to see these on task creation.

Preload task title into time entry narration:

As described, this setting will automatically populate the time entry narration with the task title. A very useful setting if the task title is also the time entry narration.

Create an appointment when you are assigned a task:

When you assign a task to a user, with this feature turned on, the person to whom you assigned the task will automatically create an appointment in their calendar.


TimeTrak Help

TaskTrak Help

These links will take you to our website-based user guides.


Report an Issue

This link will open a window to report an issue you are experiencing. Our support team will be notified and will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Start Remote Support

This link brings a request so our support team can guide you with TeamViewer. Don’t be worried, when clicking the link, you’ll automatically download the TeamViewer on your PC so you can provide a remote support ID to our support team.

Configuration Settings:

Manage Breaks

This setting is where breaks can be setup and managed. Breaks do not prevent you from entering time over this period or alter any time entries/ appointments you already have created.

As per below, a break is a different shade on the user’s calendar to notify other staff when the user is expecting to take their break:

Change Map Locations

This setting is where your “home location” is set in TimeTrak.

Once this is set, TimeTrak can calculate the distance between your “home location” and your client’s location (if they also have a geo location set). For more information on this click here.

Map Bulk Updates

This setting allows you to “bulk” update geo locations for clients, jobs and serviceable units that have an address set in the database but no “geo location” specified. Similar function like “Change Map Locations” but this one is for clients. With this function, you can update all clients’ locations in one window.

By default, it only shows Clients and Jobs, it will show Serviceable Units if you enable the setting in Admin Console, in Global System Setup.

Note: Serviceable Unit depends on the company’s requirements. It’s possible you won’t see the Serviceable Unit tab here.

For an in depth explanation of Map Bulk Updates, click here.

Install Applications:

TimeTrak Administrator Console

TimeTrak Outlook Add-In

Job Invoice Batch Engine (JIBE)

These options give you a link to download addon application(s) to help TimeTrak’s processes in your business such as the TimeTrak Outlook Add-In to provide the ability to create tasks/ jobs from emails or JIBE for invoicing.

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.co.nz or phone NZ:0800 12 00 99 | AU:1800 60 80 77

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