There are minimum technical requirements to complete a TimeTrak upgrade, these minimum requirements are located below for you to check with your IT provider:

Contact the TimeTrak support team who can discuss technical minimum requirements with you or your IT provider as well as provide an upgrade proposal:
Phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU:1800 60 80 77

  1. Once the upgrade proposal is accepted your live environment will be copied to a TEST environment.
    A database upgrade will be run along with a website update.

  1. You will be provided with an upgrade document that has links to your test environment.
    This document will also include a list of generic items as well as any customisations that we have on file for your business that we recommended are tested in the test environment prior to scheduling the live upgrade.

  1. Users can complete testing in the test without any effect on the live environment.

  1. Once testing is completed successfully the live upgrade can be scheduled when no users are logged into the ERP or TimeTrak system – this process will take roughly an hour (depending on the size of the upgrade).

  1. Once the live upgrade is completed, key staff will be notified users can access again and be provided with the below link with instructions on how staff can clear their browser cache (and or cookies) before logging into the updated version of TimeTrak.