What’s New – TimeTrak 4.0

Welcome to the released version of TimeTrak 4.0.

In this version we have some exciting new features and this update brings in a lot of new functions.


Please note this is a complete TimeTrak database re-write and may break any existing customisation

Attachment Categories

Custom categories can now be set up in the TimeTrak Administrator Console, in the Attachments tab of the Global Settings.

These are easy to set up and once in the database users can select them when they save or edit an Attachment.

Adding an Attachment in TimeTrak Professional

Attachments on a Job in TimeTrak Professional

Adding an Attachment in TimeTrak Mobile

Grouping Attachments on a Job in TimeTrak Mobile

Global User Settings moved to Profiles

In earlier versions of TimeTrak Users Settings could be set up in the Global System Set up which would flow across all users who did not have custom settings.

These have all been removed from the Global System Set up and now all permissions and settings are handled in Profiles.

Many of the existing settings for Global User Set up are now found in the Profile settings.

Highlighted below are the moved settings.

Prospects in TimeTrak Mobile

TimeTrak now integrates with MYOB’s CRM module, it will allow Mobile users to create new Prospects and depending on the permissions, edit and delete them as well.

In the TimeTrak Admin Console Profiles, in the MYOB Exo tab the settings are found here:

In TimeTrak Mobile users can see Prospects in the Menu

Drill into this to access the functionality

Opportunities in TimeTrak Mobile

TimeTrak now integrates with MYOB’s CRM module, it will allow TimeTrak Mobile users to create new Opportunities and Opportunity Quotes

In TimeTrak Mobile users can see any existing Opportunities and add new opportunities  for Clients and Prospects.

Give the Opportunity a meaningful Name, set the fields that are required and save it.

This will show immediately in MYOB Exo’s CRM Module.

Job Quote Options Enabled

Within TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile users can now add quote lines to a job.

In the Profile settings the permissions can be set up for a user to quote on the job.

Any Quote lines added to the Job will show in MYOB Job Costing immediately on the Quote/Budget Screen.

In TimeTrak Professional a user can see, edit and delete the quote lines in the Quote Tab of the Job

In TimeTrak Mobile the user can see existing quote lines, add a quote line from a normal stock item or BOM.

The TimeTrak Mobile user also can email a Quote form to the client and update the job status.

Purchase Orders in Professional

TimeTrak Professional users can now view and create Purchase Orders against a Job in TimeTrak Professional.

This will create the Purchase Order immediately in MYOB Exo with the lines assigned to it.

When creating the PO, the user will first check and update the PO header information

And then add the stock items to the lines

Once the Purchase Order is saved, a Purchase Order set up for your organisation can be exported or printed.

Customisations Enhanced

TimeTrak has extended the functionality of what users can see hugely.

The visible fields can be customised for Appointments, Calendars in TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile, Clients, Jobs, Serviceable Units, Tasks and the TimeLine View in TimeTrak Professional.

This encompasses Map lists, Tool Tips, Pins and Queues.

Users can also now preview what the data will look like before saving the Profile

Task Importing Extended

Bulk Tasks can be imported from an Excel sheet now.

The existing functionality of importing from the Job Quote lines is still there but now users can have a Project Template set up in Excel and so long as it is formatted correctly (Ask your TimeTrak Consultant for an example) they can import that into TimeTrak, choose which items should become tasks and import the tasks in bulk.

Manage Tasks takes the user to a report to see all Tasks and manipulate them in bulk

Import Tasks will show the user the Quoted Lines and the option to Import From Excel

Once the items are imported as tasks they can be managed in the Manage Tasks Report

Reporting Enhancements

Customised reports can now be saved to and run from Jobs, Clients, Serviceable Units and Tasks in TimeTrak Professional, these will pre-populate with the unique identifier of the item, also TimeTrak Mobile now has the ability to run reports, including showing preview screens of forms before sending them out to clients, for example, quotes and invoices.

Based on the permissions of the report set up in the TimeTrak Admin Console they will be visible in TimeTrak Professional and/or TimeTrak Mobile.

In TimeTrak Professional go to the Reports tab of any Job, Client, Serviceable Unit or Task to see available Reports to run.

In TimeTrak Mobile Reports can be viewed and run from the Home screen or when a user is completing a transactional form, like an invoice, purchase order, opportunity quote and job quotes.

Click on the Reports Icon to see the list of available reports

Select which report to preview

The preview screen will show the resulting report

Click on menu to choose to Email or Download the report to the local device


TimeTrak now has a Rostering function.

The purpose of this is to set up Roster Classes and link them to Labour Codes for Staff, to identify what rates they will be charged out as or what pay rate they should be paid.

TimeTrak will then do the splitting of the time entries for users.

Once these are set up then time frames can be blocked out for users so that their time will automatically split in TimeTrak across their different rates.

In the TimeTrak Admin Console

Go to the Rosters menu

A Roster can have a one to one relationship with a staff user or it can be a global roster and the same rules apply to everyone assigned to it.

The standard day is now set up in the Roster

In the Units Tab

Set a rate to each time slot

TimeTrak will then check which rate belongs to that time slot and split the time entry across the rates if required.

Rosters are assigned to the users


Queues will allow users to see upcoming work based on filters without actually booking it in.

Queues are visible in both TimeTrak Professional and TimeTrak Mobile.

A Queue can be added manually from a Job, Client, Serviceable Unit and Tasks

Or it can be generated from a custom SQL script to show any Job, Client, Serviceable Unit or Task based on set criteria.

Queues have also extended the functionality of Maps within TimeTrak Professional.


TimeTrak Maps have been greatly enhanced to include Queues and show Users, Appointments, Jobs, Clients and Serviceable Units which have a Geolocation saved against them.

The Map now has the option to add Layers of information, and items in the Maps can be assigned to Queues and the Queues can be route optimised and be reordered to improve travel flow.

New Grids

In recent versions of TimeTrak we have extended the grids so now Clients, Jobs, Tasks and Serviceable Units are all shown in a Grid Search.

If the User has visibility of Queues they will see them as coloured tabs

Users can right click on the Grid header to add and remove columns to suit their business needs.

Drag and Drop a column into the header to see it in the grid

Each column can be organised and filtered like an excel column.

Workgroup Enhancements

Workgroups now have been enhanced to support a scheduling team more.

A workgroup can belong to a Mobile user but still be visible to the scheduler depending on their permissions. This allows the scheduler to add and remove users on a day to day basis for the Mobile Team Leader.

When creating workgroups, users now have a new option to see their visible workgroups as well as other users or all global users.

Hover over the Workgroup header to see who owns the workgroup

Quick Manage Workgroups from this link

This will open the current workgroup up and allow the user to quickly edit and maintain it.

Checklist Enhancements

Checklists can now be saved as a draft to be completed at a later time in TimeTrak Mobile.

This draft will stay saved to the Job, so more than one user could complete the checklist if required.

The Checklists now have Partial Checklists, these used to be sub-checklists but now are able to be embedded into many Master Checklists if required. For example you might have a Partial Checklist which captures the Mobile team member’s signature, the client’s signature and the organisations terms and conditions and this would show on all Master Checklists.

There is a new checklist item type – the drawing canvas which allows users to draw either on a blank canvas or on a photo just taken and save it.

The canvas looks like this in the Mobile Checklist

Checklists can also fire off different checklist reports to different people at different stages of the completion of the checklist.

This is a great feature for those organisations with comprehensive checklists which would be emailed both internally and externally and needs to show different information in each report.

Checklists can now also have more than one Checklist Report assigned to it, with its own formatting, detail and email settings

Scheduling Tools

In TimeTrak 4 versions we have added a few enhancements for Schedulers to give them more real time information about the Mobile teams.

We have added in clocking on and off visibility and editing options.

When a Mobile user has clocked on for the day, then the Scheduler in TimeTrak Professional can see a ‘C’ next to the users name in the calendar.

If the Clocking off is over due then the ‘C’ will show red and the TimeTrak Professional User can clock  off users.

Schedulers can see the users Estimated Time of Arrival on the calendar for the Mobile team – the Maps screen does need to be open to capture the ETA information from the Google Maps.

When the Mobile User Starts Travelling to site the TimeTrak Professional User can see a Truck icon with two time counters

The first time counter is showing how long the user has been travelling and the second time counter is the start time of the Appointment

This information will also flip to show the targets

The first time counter is showing the time until the user is on site and the second time counter is the Estimated Time of Arrival

Once checked in on site the counters show the time on site and when the Appointment was to start

In the Maps when a user is traveling to a job site it will show the user as a Truck and a line of the best route with the estimated duration till they are on site and the expected time of arrival will show.

Appointment Enhancements

Appointments have some new functionality that extends the booking of work group teams and we have added the ability to have slippage appointments.

When a Workgroup is set up as an Appointment Group, and an appointment is created within the Workgroup calendar it will default to all users in the Workgroup.

More users cane be added to the Appointment by expanding the User Drop down.

Equipment, Contractors and Sub Contractors have icons to show what they are and any users already scheduled will show last in the list.

Slippage in Appointments allows a series of Appointments to be created and if any Appointment in the series has its date and time altered then all future Appointments from the edited Appointment will move forward or backwards by the set number of days the recurrence happens.

A working example is where a service is performed every 90 days. If the team cannot get to the Appointment that is booked for the Wednesday but get to it on the Friday, all future appointments will move out by 90 days from the Friday.

There are notifications when the second to last and last appointments are due and settings around where to schedule on non-working days.

Task Enhancements

  •  Task Budget – this is now able to be viewed on the time entry screen
  •  QuickTasks – For Professional Only, there is now the ability to create a task upon time entry creation by simply entering a task description.

This looks at the Personalise setting “New Task Assignment” setting below:


If you have any questions or concerns please contact a team member at

Focus by either emailing support@timetrak.co.nz

or for urgent support please email and then call

NZ – 0800 12 00 99

Australia – 1800 60 80 77

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