Whitepaper: Scheduled Posting from TimeTrak to ERP

What is Scheduled Posting?

In version 19.1 TimeTrak introduced Scheduled Events, and the ability to email TimeTrak reports on a scheduled basis. Click here for more information on Scheduled events and setting up a Scheduled Report Schedule.

In version 19.2 this feature has been enhanced adding the ability to schedule posting of time and materials from TimeTrak to ERP.

In previous versions the process to post time and materials from TimeTrak to your ERP system for invoicing is a manual one where either users with correct permissions post all transactions on a job-by-job basis. Alternatively, transactions can be bulk posted via the TimeTrak administrator console. Click here for more information on bulk posting.

This bulk posting of time and materials through to your ERP system can now be setup as a Scheduled event in TimeTrak version 19.2 onwards. Ensuring that all transactions that meet specific criteria are posted through to your ERP system for invoicing on a scheduled basis will relieve yet another manual process from already busy administrators and ensure that transactions being posted are not reliant on your administrator being available to complete this process.

How to Setup a Post Time Schedule:

  • TimeTrak Administrator Console
  • Scheduled Events
  • Add
  • “Post Time Schedule” as per below:


  • Description: Give the Post Time Schedule a name this is a reference within the Scheduled Events list.
  • Period Handling: If your ERP system is MYOB Exo Select “MYOB Exo”, if you have a different ERP System select “None”.
  • Date Range: Select the applicable date range you wish to post transactions for when this schedule runs.
  • Lock the period after post: If enabled, this setting locks the period which is defined in the above “Date Range” and prevents users from creating or editing time entries (regardless if they are posted or not) that are before the end filter by date range. For example: If the Date Range was “yesterday” and the schedule was run then users would not be able to enter or edit any time prior to the current day (regardless of the time entry being posted or not).
  • Lock non-chargeable time entries after post: If enabled, this will lock Non-Billable Productive and Non-Productive time entries within the date range selected in the schedule.
  • Only post verified time entries and disbursements: If enabled, when the schedule runs it will only post those time entries and disbursements which meet the date range specified and have been verified by TimeTrak Verification Reports. For example: It may be your business process that no time or disbursements should be posted to the job unless they have been verified in which case this setting should be enabled. Click here for more information on Verification within TimeTrak.
  • Only post customer approved time entries and disbursements: If enabled, when the schedule runs it will only post those time entries and disbursements which meet the date criteria and have been approved by the customer if you are using customer approval. Click here for more information on Customer Job approval in TimeTrak.
  • Only post completed days: If enabled, when the schedule runs only time entries where the user has completed their daily minimum hours as per their roster class will be posted.

Date/ Time:

  • Scheduled: If enabled, the schedule will run as per recurrence settings.
  • Recurrence Type: Set the recurrence frequency you wish the schedule to run.
  • Scheduled days at the start of the month to ignore: In many businesses, while the previous month is finalised, any new transactions for the current month should not be posted through for invoicing. Due to this a number of days at the start of every month can be “ignored”. For example: Whilst June is finalised the first 5 days of July should be ignored meaning that the schedule will not run again until the 5th of July (If the schedule was daily).
  • Start Date: The date and time, you wish for the schedule to begin to run from.


Any notes you wish to add against the schedule for example why you have certain settings enabled and what they do.

Once the Time Schedule is created, this can be manually run by right-clicking the schedule and selecting Execute Schedule.

All transactions that meet the criteria will be posted.

Examples :

Below schedule is created to post all time entries at 8 AM every morning.

All time entries which are not posted for the previous day until 8 AM on the current day will be posted as per below.

Three time entries entered on 18th July is now posted on 19th July.

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