Reassign time entry to another job in Professional

Often users may accidently assign time to an incorrect job. In previous versions of TimeTrak Professional, the user was only able to reassign a time enrty to another job if they had the ability to “Edit” the job.

In TimeTrak Professional, from version 19.3, as long as a user has the ability to edit a time entry they can then reassign this to another job instead of needing to delete the time entry and create a new one against the correct job as they did previously.

Note: This is dependent on the time entry not already being verified or posted through to the ERP system.

General Settings

Ensure the user(s) have the ability to “edit” time entry against their profile in the Admin Console as per below.

From the TimeTrak tab, select ‘Edit Time Entry’ from the Time Entry section:

Reassiging a Time Entry to Another Job

Within TimeTrak Professional, users can then select the Time Entry and navigate to the ‘Job’ field where you will be able to (now) select ‘Assign to another job’ from the ‘down arrow’ for that field:

Select the alternative Client if this requires changing and/or the Job:

Once ‘Ok’ is select the Time Entry screen will be updated:

As in this example, the Job was updated for the same Client.

If you have any further questions, please contact the TimeTrak team via email: or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77