Actual and remaining labour quote lines reflect hours recorded in TimeTrak

Job quote lines have used and remaining columns which are updated in both Professional and TimeTrak mobile based on the disbursements added to TimeTrak.

For more information on this, please see here for consuming quote lines in TimeTrak Mobile.

From release 22.1.6 this feature has been enhanced so that labour quote lines display the actual and remaining values per stock code.

This functionality is dependent on the profile settings:

“Show Job Quote Lines”, Job Quote Line Visibility and “Consume Quote Line Quantities” as per below:

Labour quote lines are defined as quote lines against the job where Copy To is set to T, as per below:

Note: The sum quantity of quote lines marked as copy to ‘T’ is also how the quoted hours for the job are calculated and the estimated column of a job in queues.

The used and remaining fields against the job quote line are calculated as per below:

Used = Sum quantity for the stock code against the job in MYOB Exo Job Costing with a line status of: Invoiced, Work In Progress, Ready to Invoice (and Write off if Write Off time is included in your billable totals within TimeTrak as per below):

+ Sum quantity of any un-posted time entries for the stock code against the job in TimeTrak against billable statuses that post through to the ERP system with a status of In progress or Ready to Invoice.

  • Billable statuses that post through to the ERP system with a status of Write off will be included if Write Off time is included in your billable totals.
  • Billable statuses that post through to the ERP system with a status of In Progress or Ready to Invoice but “No Value” is enabled will be included if No Charge time is included in your billable totals.
  • Billable statuses that do not post through to the ERP system will be included if TimeTrak Only time is included in your billable totals.

Remaining = Quantity – Used

In the below example, both no charge and write-off time is included in TimeTrak totals; therefore, the used column is 6 hours (all time against the job, excluding the cancelled transaction).

This feature provides a great overview for job managers and admin staff of the budgeted hours by stock code and the actual and remaining values.

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