Add the Ability to Email Multiple Attachments from TimeTrak Professional and Show Related Attachments

Images or uploaded documents within a checklist (IE: photos taken) are related attachments to the completed checklist.

In TimeTrak Professional, these images can be accessed as per below:

This has been further enhanced for Professional users in version 22.1.3, adding the ability to show related attachments and email multiple attachments from TimeTrak Professional.

The attachments tab against a job now includes a new option, ‘Show Related Attachments’, which, when enabled, will display all of the images and or files uploaded against the checklist;

Email Multiple Attachments

In addition, there is now the ability to email multiple attachments. 

In this example, all of the images saved against the checklist have been selected so they can be emailed (1), right-click and then select Email Attachments (2):

The Job Email window will display, allowing the user to complete the email process. The images display against the Attachments section;

To read more about emailing from TimeTrak, refer to our latest enhancements from here.

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