Consume Quote Lines from TimeTrak App

The ability to consume multiple quote lines in TimeTrak Mobile was added in version 19.2.  You can read about this here.  

From TimeTrak version 21.1.2, this same ability to consume from quote lines is available in the app.

This is available to users if their profile has: “Show Job Quote Lines” and “Consume Quote Line Quantities” enabled:

Users can then consume from quote lines in the app by opening a job and selecting disbursements.

From the disbursement view select add multiple as per below:

Providing the job has quote lines the option “From Quote Line” will display.

On selection of this the user will be taken to the jobs quote lines view where they can select multiple lines.

The quote lines view will display the available quote lines:

Note: This is limited by the users profile setting “Job Quote Line Visibility” and what is defined against the job quote line.

To consume, you can tap onto the stock item.  This will add the item to the cart.

Note: Tapping on a line more than once will increase the quantity of the disbursement.

In this example one ‘ALARM01’ has been selected and three ‘Batt12v31M’ have been added to the cart making a total of 4 items:

Further editing can be completed by selecting Edit Selected Items (this will also display on Confirm);

The quantity can be adjusted, and items can be removed (by selecting the delete/rubbish bin);

In this example the number of Batteries has been reduced to 2, select Close, Confirm and Save;

The quote lines against the job are updated with what has been consumed and what is remaining;

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