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In previous versions of TimeTrak, there was the ability to enable the custom field X_TT_IsContact rate and specify a contract rate in the custom field X_TT_ContractRate, which would default the sell value of all time entries added to a job in TimeTrak as per below:https://timetrak.co.nz/blog/category/tip-timetrak-contract-rate/
In TimeTrak version 22.1, Contract rate has been replaced with Pricing Rules which provides the same abilities with additional functionality at a stock code level.
If users have the profile setting “Show Pricing Rules” enabled against their profile as per below:
Note: This setting is disabled by default on all profiles
Any Contract Rate’s that were applied within previous versions:
Will be migrated to Pricing Rules on upgrade to 22.1 with the naming convention Contract Rate @ (*Contract Rate Sell price*) as per below example:
Users with the profile setting “Show Pricing Rules” enabled will be able to see a new “Pricing Rules” tab against all jobs within TimeTrak Professional as per below:
Note: The ability to see, add, edit or delete pricing rules is not available within TimeTrak Mobile or the TimeTrak APP.
Users can add an already existing pricing rule to a job by clicking the + icon and selecting from the Name drop down list as per below:
On selection of the already existing rule as per below users can then click “Save”
The above selection example was a contract rate that was migrated which has a type of Labour Contract Pricing and no stock code associated, meaning ALL time entries added to the job after this is applied regardless of the stock code will have a sell rate of what is defined in the rule.
Pricing rules run with the exception of billable statutes.
For example, If a billable status of Write off or No Charge is selected, the pricing rule will be ignored, and the rate will update to $0
If cost types are set up within TimeTrak with pricing methods IE: Best Price x 1.5, these will be ignored when pricing rules are in place.
New pricing rules that do not already exist can be created by selecting the “Create Rule” option and populating the rule fields as per below.:
Name: Name of the rule which can be seen in the Pricing Rules against a job
Description: Further information that can be seen against the rule on “edit”
Type: Labour Contract Pricing for time entry rules, Disbursement Contract pricing for disbursements (stock) added in TimeTrak.
Stock Code: Specify the stock code the rule should run for.
Note: This can be left blank for labour contract pricing rules only. When left blank the rule will apply to all time entries recorded in TimeTrak.
Sell: Enter the rate you wish items to be sold at.
Select save and the rule will be applied to the job on screen.
Select Save against the job to apply the pricing rule to the job.
To set up a Labour Contract Pricing Rule for all stockcodes, the pricing rule would be set up as per the below example.
When this rule is applied to a job, all time entries recorded in TimeTrak (excluding those against write-off or no charge billable statuses) will abide by this pricing rule.
Pricing Policies provide the ability to set pricing of time entries to a set rate based on the stockcode as per the below example:
Rules at a stockcode level provide the flexibility to assign multiple pricing rules against a single job as per the below example, where normal labour should be at $100, and Time & Half labour should be at $150:
Time entries recorded to one of these stockcodes against the specified job will be at the pricing rule rate.
Stockcodes not included in pricing rules will abide by normal pricing rules from the stockcode.
Unlike Labour Contract pricing, disbursement contract pricing needs to be at a stockcode level.
A Disbursement Contract Price is unable to be saved without a stockcode.
Similar to new labour contract pricing rules, new disbursement pricing rules that do not already exist can be created by selecting the “Create Rule” option and populating the rule fields as per the below example:
Select Save, and the rule will be applied to the job on screen.
Once applied, when disbursements with a stockcode specified in the jobs pricing rules are added via TimeTrak the default rate will be updated based on the pricing rule.
This will remove the jobs association to the pricing rule, so default pricing will be applied for all new entries added.
To remove a pricing rule from a job, select the X against the rule on the job as per below, then save the job.
This does not remove the rule, which will still be available to assign to jobs.
It is important to note that pricing rules are global (which is how they can be assigned to multiple jobs without the need to re-create).
When Editing or Deleting pricing rules, the changes may impact many jobs, not just the one you are accessing the rule from.
To assist with this, there is a standard report as per below, which can be run to display all pricing rules and the job(s) they are assigned to.
To Edit a pricing rule, select the Pencil icon to Edit as per below:
To Delete a pricing rule, select the Pencil icon to edit as per above, then select the trash can icon to Delete.
A Prompt will display as per below, notifying you that the rule will affect any other job(s) it is assigned to.
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