TimeTrak Requirements – Version 23.1 Onwards

TimeTrak Versions 23.1 onwards require:

Hardware Requirements:


  • Processor: 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor or higher 
  • RAM: 8 GB or more 
  • Hard Disk: 40 GB or more of available hard-disk space 
  • Network: Gigabit Ethernet adapter (10/100/1000baseT Ethernet) 


  • Processor: 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor or higher 
  • RAM: 2 GB or more 
  • Hard Disk: 20 GB or more of available hard-disk space 
  • Display: Minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 (1080p) 
  • Network: Gigabit Ethernet adapter (10/100/1000baseT Ethernet) 
    The recommended hardware configuration for servers and clients is higher than the minimum requirements listed above, to ensure optimal performance and scalability. 

Software Requirements:

Web Server:

SQL Server:

  • Windows Server 2012 
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP4 or higher


  • Windows 10 or higher 
  • Latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. 
  • .NET Framework 4.8 if you require the TimeTrak Administrator Console or TimeTrak Outlook Add-In 
  • Microsoft Office 2016 or greater is required for the TimeTrak Outlook Add-In.

ERP Minimum Requirements:

  • MYOB Exo: TimeTrak supports MYOB Exo version 8710 and greater.
    Preferred version of Exo is versions 2020.2 and above, see compatibility section here
  • MYOB Acumatica: TimeTrak supports MYOB Acumatica version 18 of greater. 
    Please refer to the compatibility section here

Mobile Devices: 

The TimeTrak APP is available for both IOS and Android on the below minimum versions: 

Minimum Android version:  Android 7.0 (Nougat) 

Minimum iOS version: 9.0 

Website Requirements:

All TimeTrak Websites are required to be secure (HTTPS)  

Note: A wildcard SSL certificate is the most cost effective way to manage this you IT provider can organise this. 

Remote Support:

TimeTrak websites need to be available externally for Focus Support 

Note: It is recommended that external access is geo-blocked limited to the countries the website should not be available for. 

Given that Focus is located in NZ, for clients in AU the professional website needs to be available for NZ or available externally for the Focus IP Addresses/ Ranges below allowing support and licencing updates: 

Public IP Ranges: 

  • Branches – –  OR  – 
  • Invercargill - –  OR  – 

You MUST use the ranges (not just the IP address but the /30 and /29) and you MUST use both. 
If your client does not allow ranges,  add the following IP’s,  one by one : 


Internet Speed:

  • Minimum 2Mb dedicated upload speed for Mobile websites from the server TimeTrak is installed on. 
  • Download speed should be 7Mbs and above 
  • If you are deploying more than 20 Mobile users then these figures will need to be higher, this will also be dependent on other services using your internet connection. 
  • Users devices should use 4G where applicable also.

    The recommended hardware configuration for servers and clients is higher than the minimum requirements listed above, to ensure optimal performance and scalability. 

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