Tip: Stack Calendar Items

In TimeTrak version 19.1, we have enhanced timeline scheduling substantially.

For more information on the changes in timeline scheduling click here

To add to the timeline scheduling improvements from version 19.1.11 there is also an additional setting that can be enabled per timeline workgroup “Stack Calendar Items”.

Without this setting enabled, appointments can be hard to see as per below:

To enable this setting open the workgroup and tick “Stack Calendar Items” as per below:

Once enabled, appointments will take up the whole column making them easier to see as per below.

The appointments are “stacked” based on the time, selecting a column which already has appointments in it will by default make the start time the end time of the last appointment.

For example: David has appointments from 8:30 – 12 and then 1 – 5 on the 9th of April, on selecting this column and creating a new appointment as per below:

The new appointment start time defaults to the end time of the last appointment

When “Stack Calendar Items” is enabled, the top row of information that displays will always be the time range as per below.

There is the ability to customise the data that displays on a profile basis in the TimeTrak administrator console as per below:

For more information on customisation of the data that displays click here.

If you have any further questions please contact the Exosoft team via email: support@timetrak.net.nz or phone NZ: 0800 12 00 99 AU: 1800 60 80 77

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